How CNC machines help to create molds?
Some types of jewelry can be created without lost wax casting if a future part would consist of metals or materials with low-melting points. Since lost wax casting requires making several molds, using it for plastic, resins and some other materials that are used for making jewelry is not the best choice. Instead, a mold for cold casting plastics, metal powders or softer metals can be made.
CNC machines are able to make molds of many materials including steel. CAD design of a jewelry piece would be easily changed to a negative imprint of the object in a block of material and a machine carves it. The method is cost-effective for creating molds for flat pieces or it can be improved to make a mold for other objects too. Depending on the material of the mold, almost all CNC machines can be used to produce one – from foam, metal, acrylics and much more. The extra advantage here is that stronger molds can be used several times.
How CNC machines help to make end-use Jewelry?
Modern machining centers or even specially constructed custom machines can operate without any casting processes at all. Equipped with tough milling tools and power supplies, they can create jewelry like rings, bracelets, pendants and earrings from a block of a material. Some of them are capable of working with precious metals like gold and silver – but to do so a machine needs to rotate tools with at least 30000-60000 rpm since those metals are soft. On top of reducing the costs and time required for metal casting, CNC machining jewelry from a material block has extra design advantages. Some milling machines are capable of creating a “puzzle effect” – when several pieces of an object look like they’re trapped within one another and can move a little bit in their cavity. Such an effect is impossible to achieve through metal casting and hard to copy using hand tools.
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